WhatsApp recently rolled out a new Secret Code feature for locked chats which, as the name implies, allows users to hide locked chats behind a secret code. The platform has also been reported to work on a bunch of new features. WhatsApp is said to be reintroducing the "View Once" photos and videos feature to the WhatsApp Web and WhatsApp desktop versions. It is also reportedly working on a ‘search by username' feature, similar to the one available on Telegram. A new report suggests that the Meta-owned site may soon allow users to share their WhatsApp status to Instagram.
WhatsApp feature tracker, WABetaInfo, shared in a recent post that the social media platform is working on an optional feature that may allow users to share WhatsApp statuses directly to Instagram. It was spotted on WhatsApp beta for Android update on the Google Play Store. The platform already allows users the option to share WhatsApp statuses on Facebook. The rumoured feature is also tipped to be similar.
In a screengrab shared by WABetaInfo, the options to share status updates on Facebook and Instagram are listed together under the Status Privacy tab. Similar to the share to Facebook option, users will have the choice to enable or disable this feature. The report noted that WhatsApp is expected to introduce this feature to all users in the future but did not provide an exact timeline.
WhatsApp Will Reportedly Let You Search Users by Username on Android
The report notes that users will also be able to control the audience of shared WhatsApp Status as an Instagram Story like normal Instagram stories. Once launched, this feature is said to make sharing information easier and may improve the reliability and consistency of content sharing across platforms.
The feature is also expected to be time-saving and efficient. This integration may save us the hassle of having to screengrab a given status and share it separately on Instagram. It is also expected to help users who may now create separate WhatsApp Statuses and Instagram Stories for the same content by enabling them to share it across platforms in a single tap.